Number of event guests and tent size
In order to choose the right tent size, it is important to know the approximate number of guests who will be in the tent at the same time, including not only guests, but all people in the room (waiters, musicians, artists, etc.). In addition to the number of guests, the number and type of events (musicians or dance area, photo corner) should be clarified.
Technical capacity and access possibilities of the venue
When choosing an event venue, the customer must measure the area where the tents will be placed, as well as assess the access roads to the selected area. If there are trees or greenery in the area that prevent the construction of a large tent, or if the access roads are narrow and have a low load capacity, this can interfere with access to your facility. For a large project, our managers will come to evaluate and negotiate the technical details on the spot, but the first evaluation must be done by yourself.

Quality and price of rental inventory
The quality and price of the rental equipment is an important factor for any customer, and the price of the tent construction is influenced not only by the size of the tent itself, but also by its quality and additional equipment (floor, transparent walls, roofs, heating, conditioning, carpet, etc. products).
Work quality and working time planning
Quality and planning are important prerequisites for project implementation. It is important to understand the required working hours and the number of professional employees for the project, so that everything is done on time and without undue stress. We are no stranger to working at night and on weekends.